You Are Magic.

Yes you. 
Are magic.
You are wondrous and beautiful and innately free.
You don't belong to anything or anybody,
but you are totally welcome here.
You are loved.
You are supported.
You will be held and also adored.
There's no specific reason you must show to deserve this.
Being this human is entirely enough.
You are needed.
You are desired.
There's no question of the earth ever wanting something different then the exact magic you carry within your soul.
So share it,
beautiful one.
Know it.
Overflow with it.
And when you have shined so brightly that all the world knows you are here,
come and rest inside of this.
Come home to these loving arms.
Arrive in the solace of surrender.
Trust in the strength of embrace.
The world needs you. 
Because of that,
it also completely loves you. 
Yes you.
Are magic.